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Get an expert opinion on


difficult or inoperable


brain tumours




State-of-the-art surgical techniques used by Mr Samandouras
  • Awake craniootmies with cortical - subcortical mapping
  • Advanced neuronavigation with integration of functional data
  • Intra-operative MRI
  • Fluorescent-guided resections using Gliolan Â®
  • Neuro-endoscopy 
Tumours treated by Mr Samandouras
  • Primary brain tumours (High grade and low grade gliomas)
  • Metastatic brain tumours
  • Meningiomas
  • Posterior fossa tumours
  • Intraventricular tumours
  • Pineal region tumours
For an expert opinion, contact our offices
Patient Education Videos
There are more than 100 hundred different types of brain tumours. Histologically identical tumours may require different techniques of surgical removal depending on the exact location in the brain. 
Below are 8 patient education videos as a very basic introduction to key concepts in brain tumour surgery. These videos are very simplified versions. Some opereations can be extremely complex. The steps of the actual operations will be explained to the patients in detail by Mr Samandouras and his team. 
Anatomy of the brain
Brain tumours
Metastatic brain tumours
Stereotactic biopsy
Craniotomy for tumour
Craniotomy for meningioma
Gamma knife radiosurgery

Brain tumour neurosurgeon

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